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3D ENGINEERING uses 3D scanning, photogrammetry, and 3D modeling to help preserve historical heritage sites. These techniques involve the use of laser scanning, high-resolution photography, and 3D modeling software to create digital representations of historical buildings and artifacts, environments etc. Its ability to quickly and accurately capture complex and irregular features remotely offers obvious advantages over traditional survey techniques. By utilizing these technologies, conservationists can create accurate and detailed records of historical sites that can be used to monitor changes over time, plan for restoration projects, and even recreate lost artifacts or buildings.
⦿ Digital Power
Capturing spatial and colour information of one-of-a-kind objects.
⦿ Accuracy
Achieving high precision and detail in digitization.
⦿ Visualization
Digitizing unique objects with full spatial and colour data, enabling high precision and versatile applications in marketing and visualization.
⦿ Orthophoto
Innovative approach to generating orthoimages.
The New Castle of Sigulda
Riga Castle
Fountain "Seasons"
The ethnographic Museum of Lithuania
Museum exhibits